Apex has asked that we share the following terms and conditions for the upcoming Dumpster Days:
1. Use of Trucks:
While the trucks are on site, you will not:
Place or allow to be placed into the trucks:

  • Substances hazardous to health such as toxic or corrosive materials
  • Any liquids of any kind whether contained or not contained
  • Cans, drums, or other containers of any kind unless they are empty and crushed; so incapable of carrying any liquid
  • Medical waste or animal carcasses of any kind or quantity
  • Any other material not listed above however unsuitable for containment e.g., malodorous waste, including but not limited to asbestos, paint, tires, gas bottle, fridges, freezer, TVs, fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, vehicle batteries, computer monitors, liquids, and solvents
  • Extremely heavy materials such as dirt, rock, or concrete. Please let us know and we can assist you in disposing of such heavy items in a more efficient manner.